How to create traffic and sales.
List of the most popular site generators.
Install and Create a Free Website from a Website Builder Tool
Web publishing tool.
One year free trial of Domain Name Co.
Domain names by David Bilger.
Most powerful SEO plugin.
Website directories, including sites owned by Facebook.
A popular website developer and SEO.
A Web Designer’s Guide to WordPress by Richard Stephens.
What is My WordPress Website?
You could also use the following free WordPress tools:
Free CMS software.
Extensive tutorials.
Efficient themes.
A complete tutorial on how to use WordPress with MySQL MySQL Database.
A good beginner’s book with content for new WordPress users.
Basic drag and drop PHP programming tutorials for WordPress.
Well known WordPress site to make money.
5 best online tools for adding a pictures gallery.
A post about learning to code.
A post about learning to code.
Tips and tricks of WordPress website building.
A post about getting rich with WordPress.
This page of projects.
Some excellent tutorials on CSS and HTML.
Free WooCommerce websites, including using WooCommerce for e-commerce stores.
Best WordPress themes.
30+ complete online Web designing tutorials.
This page of free online design tutorials.
Is WordPress Designed for Only Funnels and Less-Fancy Sites?
Let’s face it, with all of the knowledge and power at your fingertips it’s pretty much a no-brainer to design your website as a funnels site and send traffic to it. After all, you’ve built up your following of loyal fans. That’s like…,”Who needs work? I’m going to have funnels all over the place!” It’s almost like this is what we’re all striving to do. Build an insanely successful funnels site, get traffic, and then sell products. Well, let me just put it this way. Building a better funnel is an excellent side effect of building an incredible web presence. It’s a basic requirement. Here’s a list of some of the amazing reasons you should build a funnels site:
Funnels are popular with your audience.
Blogging on funnels is awesome.
Funnels attract trust.
Get more engagement on your website.
Clients think you’re legit.
Build your audience.
Get more clicks.
More leads
The more traffic you attract, the more followers you’ll have.
Offer more freebies.
Have more people subscribing to your RSS feed.
Earn more through lead conversion.
Get more feedback and comments.
Get more subscribers from better visitors.
More conversions.
More sales.