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Who is the best richest man and some species' best fit for running the world?

You don't know who is the richest man for the running the world this article makes show the best warning in the world under full marketing so read carefully,,

It is clearly not the great tit - I'm pretty sure they are all in favor of women's rights - or the great tit's greatest competitor the house sparrow, 

because the female great tit is at least 10 times the size of the male great tit and doesn't make any bones about doing what she wants.

There is no air of superiority that hangs around the male great tit.

But I'm not sure I would say that the male great tit is the world's best suited for running the world.

I think the world has probably done quite well without him.

Take the subspecies "Buchanans" of the great tit.

This subspecies is a small one living around our garden in southwest London.

They are hardy and numerous.

They are also not well adapted to survive cold winters, so like most of our birds we put a summer house under the roof on top of the wall and to protect them we have a heating system in the wall that keeps them warm and they have both a feeder in winter and a food warmer in summer.

There are now three generations living together in the garden.

I think these birds are a pretty good example of evolution.

They are living in the world's best possible habitat that has created for them good conditions.

They are well adapted to their habitat, and are not suffering much.

But they aren't able to compete for resources and the competition for those resources is fierce.

It's not a race they could win.

A male great tit won't get thousands of chicks a year.

But I think it is a species that does well to be ruled by a woman or a man who has the best ecological skills.

If you need to get things done, have the best at hand and no second best, get the best at the moment you need it.

In terms of bio - economics it seems like it would have worked very well for the great tit.

The male great tit doesn't seem to be much of a threat to the survival of the great tit, so there is nothing to worry about there.

I think the great tit may have benefited from the evolution

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