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ot alone. In fact, more businesses are coming to the platform than ever before.

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Listen: Getting real followers on Instagram can seem like a complete struggle against the Instagram algorithm. This is especially true if you are starting your account from scratch.
So we broke down this step-by-step guide on how to get more authentic followers on Instagram.

10 ways to increase Instagram followers
For difficult accounts, it may be necessary to resort to questionable tactics such as pods or "likes".

However, these methods often result in fake followers (or worse, punishments from the platform). If the following number on your Instagram does not indicate a shopping fan, it does not matter if you visit your landing pages and argue for your brand with friends and followers.
In this guide, we will cover the main principles of gaining authentic followers who want to connect legally with you.

@1. Post consistently (and at the right time)
This may seem obvious on Instagram, but consistency.

Common thread in most running accounts? Their feeds contain fresh ingredients. Creating a point to publish every day is a good starting point for gaining Instagram followers.

The concept here is simple: the more content you publish, the more opportunities you have to share and discover. We are not asking you to prioritize quantity over quality, but make sure you are committed to maximizing your presence.
Also, consistent, robust content can help potential followers find out about you and your brand identity. If nothing else, you indicate that your account is active and not just collecting cobwebs.

This is where tools like Sprout Social come in handy. With our scheduling suite, you can pre-draft and queue your posts. This guarantees less gaps in your publishing calendar and prevents you from getting headlines and content ideas in real time.

Sprouts Social Publication Calendar
Another great advantage of scheduling is that you can align your content with the best time to post on social media. For example, the weekly morning and afternoon engagement rate is a sweet spot for most brands.

However, the maximum time to post may vary with your brand audience or niche. Sprout's Viralpost can automatically publish your content based on what your audience is most engaged with. More engagement good news for the Instagram algorithm, and your latest content is likely to be discovered by new followers.

Socially optimized time germinates
Complete your Instagram Content Plan with Seedling Social

In addition to scheduling a complete picture of your Instagram content calendar, it also offers more features that sprout to correct your brand feeds.
Share an IG-approved view with your team using our property library or test our grid preview feature to make sure every aspect of your presentation is appropriate for your brand style.

Check out these features and get even more hands-on with Sprout's 30-day free trial.
@2. Start a conversation and respond to comments

In other words, you cannot post passively from the algorithm and expect traction‌.
You need to connect with others - followers and non-followers.
According to recent germinating social index data, 71% of consumers follow a brand on social media to stay in touch with them.

Social - Consumers take action when they follow 89% of brands they buy from
This means that it is a point to answer any and all questions and comments from your followers. Doing so is not only a positive sign for the Instagram algorithm, it is a way to prove to potential followers that you are ready for a conversation.

Make a point to start a conversation by commenting on posts, beyond your own account. This includes other brands, businesses and influencers in your area. Being constantly active in the comment section of others is straightforward to self-awareness.
You can also attract the attention of others through strategic tagging. For example, we repeatedly see influencers publishing photos that tag other brand accounts for visibility.

3. More compelling title craft
Again, most people follow accounts because they want to participate in some way, shape or form.
This means that you need to inject some creativity into your Instagram caption. For example, consider the following header patterns that lead to answers:

Question based post
Recommendation request
Personal stories
Tag-a-friend post
Photo sharing post
From questions to humor, using titles effectively is the right way to promote activity in your post. You can ask for your title and visual theme to get the audience's attention and talk to them

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